Nice to meet you, friend!
Before I tell you how Plexus has changed my life let me share my health issues first! I had my first two boys, Landen and Colson, only 13-months apart! Because of this I started having thyroid problems. A few months after I had Colson I couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs, run in and out of a grocery store, or even unload my vehicle after work every day without feeling like I ran a mile! I would have to sit and catch my breath... my heart would race, I couldn’t breathe, I was exhausted from doing little things.
After going to the doctor they told me I had Hyperthyroidism, and I had to have a Radioactive Iodine Treatment. I had to swallow a pill, stay a week secluded in a hotel room away from my children, and the iodine went straight to the thyroid gland to reverse my disorder from hyperthyroidism to hypothyroidism…. because hypo- is easier to treat.
The doctor put me on a once-a-day pill for the “rest of my life” to keep my body balanced so I was producing enough hormones to keep me functioning properly! I was taking one pill of the HIGHEST amount possible every morning, at least 30 minutes before I ate anything, still feeling sluggish, never having a lot of energy, never sleeping well, never waking up feeling rested. I was still miserable!
And, let’s add to that another baby 10 years later and that stress caused me to have Fibromyalgia. There were days I couldn’t hardly walk. I’d wake up and feel like I had literally been beaten with a baseball bat! It was AWFUL!
Enter Plexus...
My Plexus story starts January 2016. My amazing sister began pushing me to try it! Anything! “Just try Plexus!” She began telling me her story, almost everyday, and how it was helping her and really wanted me to work with her! FINALLY, in May I gave in! I ordered Today after taking Triplex (and now Lean, Ease and Active, XFactor Plus, Hydrate, and Collagen) I have more energy than I have ever had for my family, I sleep well every night, I wake up RESTED every morning, I have no more allergy issues, my hair and nails are better than EVER, I am no longer drinking 3-4 32 ounce Pepsi’s everyday, my fibromyalgia is EXTREMELY better. I now have a regular digestive system, I’m not bloated anymore, my sweet tooth is GONE, and I feel the best I have ever felt!!
I have ALWAYS had year-round allergy problems. When the weather changes (which in Florida is pretty much all year long) or when I just drive by someone mowing grass my eyes would water, nose would run, sneezing would start...I was sick literally year round with some kind of allergy issue! The summer of 2017 was the FIRST summer I have ever been able to, not only smell cut grass but, MOW MY OWN GRASS (about 5 acres) without any reaction!!
THE ABSOLUTE 14-year-old has had stomach issues since he was born! I have shed many tears with him since day 1! I started him on Triplex and just after about a month of taking the products he HAS NO MORE BELLY ISSUES!!! This is one thankful mama!!!!
We are a house of 5 and we all have different stories so I’ll share the other 3 real quick! My middle son is one of those ‘all-boy’ boys! Since starting the Triplex he is now able to sit down and do homework and sit at the dinner table without me having to sit ON him! My youngest is 5 and he was having terrible ear infections (one after another) for about a year! I started him on the multivitamin and he hasn’t had one since!! My husband has lost over 30 pounds and sleeps better and has more focus and energy since he’s started!
It’s crazy how the same products can have different changes on all 5 of us!